Stocking Stuffers Slots

Stocking Stuffers Slots

Have you ever wanted to play casino games on Christmas day, Eve, or the general holidays in an effort to win enough money to get epic gifts for you and your family? We likely aren't alone in that, which the developers picked up on and turned into a game. Taking the classic slot formula and putting some of the best holiday themed graphics we've ever seen on top of it, they made for an endearing and fun game that we had a great time with while padding out our wallet and increasing our Christmas budget.

Everything about the game happens at a rapid fire pace, keeping with what classic slots do best, and never second guessing anything about the source material. The graphics are bright, colorful, and cheerfully done, and there isn't much we can honestly criticize about the presentation. They did a wonderful thing here, and it shoes through in every aspect of the game that you see as it all plays out. Even the slot itself looks like it's sitting in a nice casino, which we certainly enjoy, as we're big fans of that time and era.

Anyone would be remiss not to take a moment out of their day to try this game and give it a chance. It's a fun time for both short and long play sessions, and does everything that classic slot games do, only better. We had a wonderful run, and think you will to if you're willing to risk some Christmas money to win it big!

What You Can Expect

First and foremost, this is a pretty and endearing looking game. We certainly love Christmas, it being our favorite holiday, but they did a wonderful thing here that we have to commend them for. Everything about the game really sings and soars above and beyond what it otherwise would have been thanks to the way it all looks and plays out. They have some nicely done Christmas graphics along the outskirts and top of it that constantly frame it, giving it the perfect holiday cheer. This is of course alongside ample progressive jackpots, which as always, are the stars of the show for us and most players that will get in on a game like this.

There's also a lot of intricacies to the matching symbols that we appreciate, such as how they all still look classic but have some vague holiday nods that are not overbearing. It isn't a throwaway holiday themed game, it's a delicately made one with a nice attention to detail that gets all the big things right and pays you for the privilege and your support.

What They Could Have Improved

Even though we mostly did enjoy this game a lot, they still have some things they probably could have gone over and done a bit better. One of the major ones is definitely the gameplay mechanics. We do enjoy the tight classic feel to it all, but with how nice it all looks, it'd be nice if we could glisten on about how nice it all played. The gameplay itself is fast and rewarding, but in no way memorable, and interchangeable with most of the games you'll find online.

They also could have done a little more to distinguish some of the outer UI and trappings of the game from the rest of the pack. We really do enjoy their games, and Wager Gaming is always a solid choice if you're looking for a slot, but a lot of this is somewhat the same in the UI and other elements as their other games, making for a less enticing offering if you've played any of their others.

General Style and Presentation

This is the sort of game that's basically a nicely made classic slot cabinet that has some interesting graphics and thematic elements thrown over the top of it. We don't mind that, and it looks really nice, but that's the gist there. It does a lot to make it feel fresh despite that, however, thanks to the really nicely done graphics on the top, the color scheme, and the general ideas behind it. It may just be us being unable not to smile at anything that looks like Christmas, but we feel this one is a major hit in that department and have no issues there when it comes to the style they used in those areas.

It is a pretty interchangeable game as far as the basic setup goes, however, looking like a slot cabinet that you would find next to yet another that all looked and played pretty similar.

Summing Up the Game

Stocking Stuffers Slots is a standout game by Wager Gaming, and plays and pays well even among more intricately made games with far more features and graphics. With a solid theme and color scheme atop some nice progressive jackpots and solid, fast paced gameplay, you can sit down for a bit or a while and have a smile all the while with this one.

If you're sitting through the holidays at the moment, or would love to jump in on them once you've had your fill and are recovering from all the festivities, this one makes for a wonderful time that you'll love to play and have an amazing time as the winnings really start rolling in. We can easily recommend anyone that's read all the way down to the bottom here give it a go, and think if you have half a brain and a love of the holidays, you'll fall in love with this one, which is a gem among the classic Wager gaming titles for the reasons we've gone over. Play it, be merry, and buy us a nice Christmas gift as thanks!